Of course we want to go to Australia now.
I say “you and your children” because I learned so much from this unit. I’m getting a much better education homeschooling my children than I did in public school.
In the Australia unit you and your children will lean about some cool places in Australia. You will also learn about some neat animals. The animal information was a big plus for my animal lover.
Elijah was so excited to see he would be learning about the Uluru Rock. He had a card about it with a small amount of info on his learning center board a few weeks back. That info was not enough, but I do believe he filled his learning tank with enough Uluru Rock info from the Australia unit. His favorite animal was the Tasmanian Devil.
You will not believe what all is packed in this unit and the neat part is you get to pick and choose what you want to print out to make a lapbook or notebook.
Every Download N Go unit is packed with amazing videos and this unit was no different. As you can tell from the reviews I have done on the DNG units, the videos are my favorite part.
Now I’ve got to find Elijah a Boomerang for Christmas!
Are you ready to get started with a Download N Go unit? It is very simple to purchase and down load the unit. You may want to grab the Expedition Australia unit now because it is on sale for only $5.95.
Here is a sample of Elijah’s lapbook.
Check out the Download N Go blog for more reviews.
I was given a free copy of Expedition Australia to give my honest review on the unit and honestly we loved it!
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