Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dakota has done IT again!

3 post in one night... hehe, that might make up for missing so many days.

Dakota has done IT again! What is IT? He has now started his 3rd business. That sure does sound funny to say that about an 18 year old.
He has a photography business , a web site design business and NOW......

Dakota has enjoyed art his whole life. He has taken art from many many different art teachers while growing up. He has learned a lot from those teachers and they also taught him what type of teacher he likes and doesn't like. He NEVER likes a teacher who paints on his painting or makes him do art HER way and not HIS way. I think any child who is REALLY  into art would feel the same way.

His last art teacher told him there was nothing more for her to teach him. I'm sure he will still learn things as the years go by just from experience.

Dakota has entered paintings in a lot of art contest and won many first place ribbons. He has even had art displayed at our local museum before.

Art has always been an important part of our homeschool. 

SO his 3rd business is .... Bayou Art Classes
He even made himself a website. :)  He has his photography studio that can be used to hold art classes. He is very excited about starting this up. I'll be his assistant helping make sure everyone has their supplies and getting things they need while he teaches.

We are working on advertising and just getting the word out to people out in our community.

Check out his website and let us know what you think.

I'd really like to encourage homeschool moms to allow their children to pursue their interest. Don't bog them down with so much school work there is no time for exploring their interest and developing talents. You never know where these interest may lead them.  Dakota has enjoyed art his whole life, he always has a painting set up in his room that he is working on. He taught himself computer languages and web site design. He developed a love for photography a few years back and it lead him to starting his first business at the age of 16. So lighten up on the school books, you have 12 years to teach them and even with 12 years you can't teach them everything they need to know. The best you can do is to teach them how to learn on their own so they will always know how to search and learn when they need to know something.

1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I think the boys would love this! Mmmm...we can talk about you when you snuggle my baby!